With temperatures nearing 100°F, now is certainly not the time to be dealing with a malfunctioning air conditioner. Hopefully, you’ve already had an AC tune-up from MSCO and we were able to discover and fix any hidden problems. In order to appreciate the importance of HVAC tune-ups, we have to first understand exactly what goes on during one of these visits.
What is an HVAC Tune-Up?
Similar to your automotive tune-up, our MSCO Precision Tune-Up is a comprehensive pick-me-up for your HVAC system to make sure it runs at peak efficiency. During a tune-up, your HVAC technician will inspect and clean the components that make up your system. A clean system is a healthy system and will perform better to keep you more comfortable.
Utilizing a check-list of over 40 items, your technician will make sure every aspect of your home heating and cooling system is operating properly. They will perform these tasks and many more:
- Inspect filters, and replace or remove as necessary
- Inspect ductwork in attic or crawlspace
- Clear drain line and check fittings
- Clean evaporator coil and pan
- Inspect all electrical connections and tighten or repair as needed
- Test auxiliary heat operation
- Test operation of the air handler
- Take operational readings
- Clean outdoor coil
- Inspect contacts, controls, capacitors, and take readings
- Test defrost operation
- Clean and wax outdoor unit
- Reset thermostat to the desired setting
And the most important of all…
Ensure another happy and comfortable MSCO client.
What is the difference between an HVAC tune-up and a service call?
An HVAC tune-up is performed proactively to make sure all the moving parts of your heating and air conditioning system are working properly. In contrast, a service call is needed when your heat or air conditioning stops working properly. It’s when you are reacting to a problem. Maybe it’s not producing as much cool air as it used to, or you’ve noticed a condensation leak. Or perhaps it just stopped working altogether. A service call is needed when you’ve found that there is an already existing problem that is affecting the operation of your system. The technician will come out and diagnose that problem and do what needs to be done to fix it.
Why are HVAC tune-ups so important?
They protect your investment
Having regular tune-ups can save a lot of money in the long run. If your heating and cooling system isn’t working at peak efficiency, it will work harder in order to perform its normal operations. This could mean an increase in your energy bills and unnecessary pressure on parts of your HVAC system. Your system could break down prematurely . The cost of a yearly tune-up is minimal compared to what you could end up paying in higher utility bills and to replace your unit.
Proper Operation
An AC tune-up will ensure that your system runs efficiently for the entirety of the year. We’re preventing problems that may cause your AC to break down when you need it the most. We’re finding problems before they become big enough to affect the longevity and effectiveness of your system’s operation. A system that is well-maintained can last years longer compared to one that is allowed to become dirty and neglected.
Your home heating and cooling involves a complicated system using many technical components, electricity, natural gas, and other aspects that can lead to potential safety hazards if not maintained properly by someone with the right technical ability. There is also another important home safety consideration for an HVAC tune-up and that is the condensate drain inspection. If the drain gets clogged or backed up, it can cause the condensation to pool and overflow – potentially leading to extensive water damage to ceilings or floors.
If you are in need of an AC tune-up or suspect there are other problems with your air conditioning, contact our 24/7 service at 757-427-0016.