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A Whole New Kind of Air Filter: Trane CleanEffects

Published by Melanie Riggs

Trane Cleaneffects

Balancing Air Filtration and Circulation

Air filters can be your best friend when allergy season gets in full tilt, but they can also be a little bit disappointing. For all the allergens they catch, they get more and more congested. This makes it harder for your filtering system to actually keep circulating the air it’s filtering. As a result you may experience either your air quality not being too clean or a lack of good circulation in your home.

This happens naturally with the way common filters work. Most filters are designed with pores that let air through, meaning that the fewer the pores, the more allergens, dust, and unwanted particles they catch. On the downside, if there fewer pores, less air can effectively pass through and recirculate. This can make it seem like you have to choose between less irritating particles or less air circulation.

Many common filters aren’t able to get all of the unwanted particles that pass through because the particles are too small. Again, it may feel like you have to choose between air quality and circulation.

The CleanEffects Air Filter by Trane

CleanEffects air cleaners from Trane offer an incredible new solution to this dilemma.

The CleanEffects filter system by Trane is a professionally installed piece that can go directly into your current circulation system. While it may go in the same place, it will definitely raise the bar in your space for air quality. Here’s a few key facts about the system:

Utilizes a 5” multi-layer filter (up to 100 times more efficient than a common 1” filter)
Catches smaller particles down to a 0.01 micron in size.
It eliminates 99.98% of allergens from your air space.
Up to 8 times the surface space to catch particles without sacrificing air flow.

Not only does this filter help with cleaning up your air quality, but it helps clean up the house itself! The CleanEffects air filter is so effective that it has been shown to reduce your need to dust by up to 50%.

Another plus is its ease of use. It’s only regular maintenance is vacuuming the pre-filter (one of the layers) every 1-2 months and the collections cells every 6-9 months! Of course, if you’d rather check it off your to-do list and not think about it, a Trane professional can service it for you.

If you’re looking for a filtering system that’s a real step up what you currently have, spring is the right time to look for something new. We would love to help you learn more at

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